Transcript of the Coroner's Inquest





Lytle Creek Canon, San Bernardino

County, California, June 25th, 1893.

The Jury impaneled was as follows:

W. T. Edwards, F. H. Magoffin, Harvey Bradshaw/, Edward Halmenstein, C. Ames, John Miller, J. H. Lightfoot, James D. Macdonald.

The jury was duly sworn, and inspected the body. Mr. P. J. McMahon was appointed by the coroner to report the proceedings.




Sworn by Coroner, Dr. Thompson.

BY THE CORONER. Q Where do you reside, Mr. Boyd?

A I am living at present in Lytle Creek with Silas Glenn.

Q How long have you resided there, Mr. Boyd?

A Very close to a year now; it lacks but two days of a year. I have resided there previous to that, but it was three years ago.

Q Do you know the deceased, Mr. John Glenn?

A Yes, sir, I do.

Q How long have you known him?

A About two years since I first got acquainted with him.

Q How long have you known Silas Glenn?

A About three years ago ; got acquainted with both about the same time.

Q What is the character of the Glenns, Mr. John Glenn especially, as to quiet and peaceable habits?

A Well, you have reference in regard to what I know?

Q Yes, sir.

A Well, I never saw anything in regard to the man outside of a gentleman as far as I know; I never have seen anything of the man to contradict him being a gentleman.

Q Do you know of any fracases or scrapes of any character that he has been in with shooting or getting in quarrels?

A Nothing of my own personal knowledge.

Q You know Mr. Applewhite, do you?

A Yes, sir

Q And his son?

A I do.

Q How long have your known them?

A About the same length of time; about three years.

Q Are they citizens of good repute in this neighborhood as far as you know?

A They never done me anything.

Q You know nothing to the contrary about being good citizens?

A They never done me anything.

Q Where were you yesterday, Mr. Boyd?

A I was over at the Cajon station. I got up early yesterday morning to ship some hides. I got up quite early; those teams have to go early of a morning, and I made arrangements to ship some cow hides, and I got my hides on just about light. I had to get up early, and Mr. Glenn was in bed asleep, I think, when I left, and there wasn't much done until I got out to go to work. I had taken the hides out there and as I came back I met young Mr. Applewhite, and he says like this, pulled me out on one side, he says---George, we have been having a family trouble over there, and he says, John is dead, and Si. shot in the neck; and I says, how bad; and he says I do not know; and he said I wish you would go hurry up and go over there. This was I think about half past eleven; it may be a little later. I rode on up the canon with Mr. Meek, the teamster, till I came up to where I was going to load on some lumber, and I says boys I will leave you and come on on foot, and I went to the cabin and then came down here. I expected to see Si. up there, but there was no one there, and I came on down here.

Q You may state to the jury what you saw, what observation you made there?

A When I came here John Glenn was just as you saw him; there was a quilt and a shade over him. Silas Glenn was inside in a cot where he is now, but just looking the same as he does now, only the wounds was not dressed at that time. Then I had to go back up to the cabin, and I met Mr. what's his name over there? Whiteman, and him and Mr. Applewhite was coming together, and he deputized me to come down and take charge of Si. Glenn, as he was going on to town, which I done.

Q. When you were here the first time did you make any observations in the region of the body of John Glenn?

A I didn't, sir.

Q Had an officer been here previous to your arrival?

A Previous to my first arrival?

Q Yes, sir.

A No, I was here previous to him.

Q And you made no observations or discoveries about the body when you first came?

A None at all of the body; it was covered up and I left it just as it was.

Q Did you see any weapons at that time?

A I didn't; I didn't even see his face or his body at all; just as you saw him exactly; there was no change at all.

Q Do you recognize any of the weapons here; that you ever seen them before?

A Yes, sir.

Q Which one; whose is that? (showing him revolver)

A Silas Glenn; that is his pistol; I have shot it a deal myself, and it is an old Colts cut-off; and I have used it a great deal in the cabin, and I have shot it a great deal, and it certainly is the same pistol, the property of Silas Glenn; if it ain't it is the dead image of it, because I have used it a great deal and it certainly must be his pistol.

Q Do you recognize any other weapons on this table?

A Now, you mean for a man to swear to, don't you?

Q Well, certainly, I asked you for the truth in the matter; of course you ain't obliged to testify to anything you don't know of.

A Well, I will tell you; I think that Mr. Applewhite will tell you about that gun better than I can; I think it is the gun he got from Mr. Wood, but I would not swear to it, but it looks like the same gun.

Q This gun here? (handing him gun marked John Glenn on right of table)

A I could not swear to it.

Q Have you see it before?

A I have seen a pistol like it.

Q Whose property was it?

A Well, I don't exactly know whose it was, but I have seen a pistol exactly like it.

Q Do you or do you not recognize that as the pistol of John Glenn?

A I don't recognize it as John Glenn's pistol at all. I never saw him with it.

q Tell the jury what you know of any circumstances leading up to this shooting?

A I could not tell them anything.

Q. You know of nothing?

A I don't.

Q Do you know the nature of the family difficulties between these families, the Glenn and the Applewhite family?

A Not my own individual self; I have heard of such things but I do not know it myself, hearing anything and knowing anything as to difficulties.

Q Did you ever hear John Glenn threaten the life of young Applewhite?

A I didn't.

Q Or Silas Glenn threaten the life of either of the Applewhites?

A I never did in my life.

Q Were you surprised when you heard of this shooting affray?

A I was.

Q You didn't expect it to---

A I didn't.

Q Has there been trouble anticipated here of this nature heretofore?

A If there was, it was kept secret from me; there was no threats made in my presence at all.

Q Do you know of any such threats being made at all to any party?

A Mrs. Applewhite remarked to me one day she was afraid John and Ollie might have a shooting scrape, and I said there is no danger.

Q What were your grounds for that belief?

A Well, my grounds for the belief was this, I didn't believe there was enough between the men to occasion anything of the kind.

Q Real difficulty?

A No. From what I know of my own experience of man.

Q You thought the grounds upon which such remark was reported, there was not enough foundation to justify it?

A I didn't; that was the reason why I spoke the idea.

Q You have been in charge of Mr. Silas Glenn during the night?

A Yes, sir.

Q Have you had any conversation with him since the shooting?

A Yes, sir; very little.

Q What did he say in regard to the matter?

A Well, now here, that man I know is strictly under the influence of opium, and I do no t believe that he knows what he is talking about; I would not consider that man is talking sensible at all. I know I saw morphine given him, and a man under the influence of that I do not consider at himself at all, and I wouldn't repeat anything at all.

Q Did you see him before he took the opium?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did he talk rationally?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did he have anything to say in regard to the shooting?

A Yes, sir, he says: John is dead, and I am about done up. I asked him where he was hurt worst. I examined his wounds and told him I didn't think he was hurt dangerously at all. I stayed with him a while and then went home and came back again.

Q Did he say anything about the quarrel yesterday morning?

A Hasn't mentioned it; not a word of it.

Q How far from the house was the body of Glenn lying when you came here?

A It was lying in the same place where you came.

Q Did you measure it?

A I haven't measured it or stepped it; it was in the same place, and how far that was I don't know.

Q You saw his wound, the wound inflicted on his head?

A I saw it last night.

Q It was of sufficient severity to cause his death?

A I think it was.

Q And did cause his death, in your opinion?

A Yes, in my opinion I would consider it so.

BY MR. MAGOFFIN: Q You told Mrs. Applewhite that you thought there was no cause for her trouble; what was your idea of thinking that?

A Because they had lived together all winter and owned stock together, and I think there was no occasion for it.

Q Simply because they got along together here before?

A Yes, sir, that was the grounds I had based it on exactly.

THE CORONER. Q Did you know the wife of John Glenn?

A Yes, sir.

Q How long have you known her?

A Well, I didn't know her very long.

Q Do you know when or how long they had been married?

A I do not.

Q Did they live in this valley together?

A Yes, sir.

Q How long since?

A It was last fall; I could not state the month or date.

Q How long were they here together approximately?

A Well, I couldn't tell you that. I came down here about the 1st of July from up in the mine and I had come down previous to that time and passed through here; they was living together here, and I worked a week or ten days on the ranch, and in the fall they separated, but what month I could not tell you now to swear to.

Q Do you know where Mrs. Glenn is, the wife of John Glenn?

A Only from hearsay; she was living with her mother.

Q In what place?

A Well, it is off down here beside Etiwanda somewhere.

Q You don't know here post office address?

A I don't.

BY MR. MAGOFFIN. Q Do you know anything about the cause of their separating?

A Only from hearsay.

THE CORONER. Q But they apparently lived happily together?

A Yes, sir, when I was here.

Q Wasn't John Glenn somewhat jealous of his wife?

A Well, you have asked me a question that I know nothing about.

Q You have never made any observations as to arriving at information in that direction?

A No, sir.




J. S. WHITEMAN. (Sworn.)

BY THE CORONER. Q Where do you reside, Mr. Whiteman?

A I live in Cajon.

Q In what official capacity do you act, if any?

A Deputy Sheriff, San Bernardino County.

Q You may state to the jury your knowledge in regard to this matter from the beginning to end in a plain concise way, from the time you first received the information?

A The first information I received, I should judge, was about 9 or 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon. Mr. McKane came to my place and said I was wanted in Lytle Creek immediately. I asked him what was the trouble, and he said John Glenn had been killed, and he guessed that Si. was dying; and I said who killed them, and he said Mr. Applewhite, and was so agitated I could not get much sense out of him. I hitched up my team and started for this place and had got about 300 yards, and Mr. Ollie Applewhite overtook and me and asked me where I was going, and I said to his father's place to arrest him, and he said, I am in that myself. And I said you can consider yourself under arrest then, and he said all right, I surrender, and then I turned around and got on the road back.

At Cajon station I telegraphed to Sheriff Booth to send the coroner and physician, stating that one man had been killed and another wounded, and that I had one of the prisoners and would get the other at evening, and from there I started for this place, arriving here somewhere in the neighborhood of three o'clock, found the body of John Glenn in the same position you found it in and Si. was lying on the cot where you found it. I looked under the quilt, saw a pistol lying right under his hand apparently, and seeing something under his hand, raised it a little, and saw it was a gun. I took possession of it, and Mr. Applewhite told me the gun of Si.'s was lying under his coat, and I got them.

Q You may state if these are the guns?

A These are the guns; the larger one I found under John's hand and this smaller one under Si.'s coat, and the other I got from Ollie Applewhite, and both pistols were cocked when I found them.

Q These two: (pointing to the two Glenn guns)

A Yes; and the one I got from Ollie Applewhite had one chamber fired out of it; and I told Mr. Applewhite I should have to consider him my prisoner, and he would have to go to town as soon as he got ready; and he asked me if I had any objections to take his wife along; I told him not in the least; so we started. I met yourself and company and came back, and you have seen the rest of it.

Q Do you any of any influences leading to this shooting?

A Not of my personal knowledge.

Q Have you heard anything of a direct nature?

A Well, John Glenn told his story one night to me. I should judge from what he said that he suspected that Ollie is interfering with his family affairs, more or less, although he made no threats whatever, but I should judge that he was considerably worked up over it from the manner in which he talked.

Q. Did his conversation lead you to think he was jealous?

A I would naturally have thought so, although he didn't admit it.

Q Just state, to the jury, what conversation, if any, you had with Glenn some time ago at a dance, I believe?

A That was the time I had the talk with him.

Q You may state what that was?

A I don't know as I can; it has been sometime ago, but I will do the best I can at it: He said that it had been the practice of Ollie and his wife sitting up to a late hour playing cards in one of the houses here, and he thought nothing of it at the time, though he thought they sat up a little later than necessary, but at the same time he took no thought about the matter until a few evening before I saw him. Previous to this conversation he said that he thought that the two of the, Ollie and his wife, were over in the other house playing cards, and he was sleeping sometime in the shade, and he got up from some cause or other, and that he heard voices in this direction, coming over this way found his wife and Ollie under one of the fig trees talking in rather a subdued tone, and he said that on arriving on the ground where they was Ollie run, and he wanted to know of his wife what was going on, and she said she was talking about taking a trip to the coast, I believe, and was discussing the possibility of his going, as he was complaining of not being very well, and he said that he didn't take any stock in that at all, and he said he didn't know but what there would have been a funeral if the folks hadn't interfered. He didn't say what folks or what kind of a funeral, but those were the words he said, there there would have been a funeral if the folks hadn't interfered.

Q How long ago was that?

A In the neighborhood of three months, I should judge, maybe longer. I could not say.

Q Where did this conversation occur?

A At the hall, Mr. Fay's hall, Cajon.

Q Was this conversation carried on by Mr. Glenn in a manner that intimated that he was in earnest?

A Oh yes, he was in earnest; he didn't appear to be mad at the time though, but he is one of those cool-headed men generally.

Q Showed at the time a good deal of determination in the matter?

A I think so.

Q State all you know in regard to the matter?

A I believe that is about the extent of my knowledge.

BY MR. MAGUFFIN. Q Did you know of anything that happened the night before the shooting?

A Not at all; I knew nothing until I was notified by Mr. McKane about the shooting.

Q When Young Applewhite---Ollie---came into the hall over there, he came in while you were talking, did he?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did Glenn make any threats.

A No, he says there is our man now. I told him "John, we don't want any fuss here at all; I said, there is other places to settle these things without disturbing the people, and we will not have any row." All right, he says.

THE CORONER. Q Do you know of any occurrence or anything occurring between Mrs. Glenn, John's wife, and Ollie Applewhite that was of a suspicious nature?

A Not of my personal knowledge; no.

Q Did you consider that John Glenn had any foundation for being suspicious of them?

A Not knowing anything about it, of course, I could not form an opinion; all that I could form an opinion on would be hearsay.




J. H. BRYNE. (Sworn.)

BY THE CORONER. Q Where do you reside, Mr. Bryne?

A Wilson Ranch, Lytle Creek.

Q Are you acquainted with the deceased, Mr. John Glenn?

A Yes, sir. Q How long have you known him?

A Pretty near five years.

Q Where were you on yesterday?

A Part of the day at the Wilson ranch.

Q Were you here yesterday at the time of the shooting?

A No, sir.

Q State to the jury how you heard of it that you came here?

A Mr. Applewhite sent his hired man down for me to come up, Frank Evert, and he rode down in a hurry and told me John Glenn was shot and Si. was shot, and for me to come up, so I came up and got here about half past eleven.

Q State that observations you made here?

A Well, I seen where it was supposed John Glenn was lying in the grass covered up. I didn't stop to see whether it was John or not; and Si. was on the porch and Mrs. Applewhite was fanning him when I came here.

Q What have you been doing since you came here about the place?

A I have been helping in the kitchen, doing chores, milking the cows, feeding hogs and things of that kind.

Q Did you recognize the body of John Glenn lying in front of the house there when you came?

A I didn't take the cover up to see if it was John Glenn.

Q You heard that it was?

A Yes, sir, I heard it was.

Q Did you have any conversation with Silas since you have been here?

A No, sir, I didn't.

Q Have you had any conversation with anyone in regard to the shooting since you have been on the ground, or heard anything about it?

A Nothing to amount to anything.

Q Do you know of anything leading up to this shooting affray?

A Well, I can't say as I do.

Q Well, tell us what you do know, tell the jury?

A I have only hearsay for what I know about it.

Q Well, you may tell the jury what you heard in regard to the matter, and what your authority was?

A I don't know that I have anything to tell the jury on it.

Q Have you had any conversation with anyone in regard to this matter or anything pertaining to it?

A No, I haven't. That is previous---before the shooting?

Q Yes, sir.

A No, sir

Q Or since?

A No, sir, nor since.

Q When did you last see John Glenn alive?

A The evening before he was shot, Friday evening.

Q Where did you see him?

A Right in that back room there, Friday evening.

Q Did you have a conversation that time?

A Nothing more than the time of day.

Q He was then in good health apparently?

A Yes, sir, as good as he was for some time.

Q Was he in a pleasant mood?

A No, he didn't seem at all talkative; he was down on the lounge and resting himself there.

Q Where has he made his home this summer?

A Most of the summer he was down on the plains.

Q Hasn't been here much this summer?
A No.

Q When did he come up from the plains?

A Over a week ago.

Q. Do you know where he was down there?

A No, I ain't acquainted with the place; somewhere about Etiwanda; I ain't acquainted with the location of the grounds.

Q Did you know the wife of Mr. John Glenn?

A Yes, sir.

Q How long have you known her?

A Over three years; I ain't positive, but I think that's the time.

Q Have they been living a s man and wife for that period?

A Most of the time, with the exception of the last few months.

Q Did you know that they were separated or that they had concluded to quit each other?

A Well, she left here I think the 19th of November; I am not positive just about the date; I have it marked in a book; I think that was the time she left here.

Q You think it was the 19th of last November?

A I think so.

Q Has she been in this neighborhood since?

A Not to my knowledge.

Q Do you know where she went then?

A I do not.

Q Did you hear?

A I heard, but I don't know where she went.

Q Why did she leave John or this place at that time? Is it customary for people to go out of the [Lytle Creek] canon in November, or do they remain here all winter?

A Sometimes all winter.

Q This was known as their home?

A Supposed to be their home.

Q Do you know of any intimacy existing between Mrs. John Glenn and Mr. Ollie Applewhite? were they frequently together, in each other's company?

A Well, they were around the house here, just friendly; that's all that I know.

Q Did you ever see anything of a suspicious nature that would lead anyone to suppose that anything was wrong?

A No; I don't know.

Q Do you know of John having any suspicions of any intimacy existing between his wife and Mr. Ollie?

A Not till after he saw them about the fig tree.

Q You know of the circumstances?

A I heard of it.

Q That seemed to arouse his suspicions?

A That seemed to be the first. I do not think he ever suspected anything at all till that time.

Q Did you ever have any conversation with him in regard to that matter?

A It didn't amount to anything; he told me little items, one thing or another, that I don't remember now. Of course I didn't pay much attention to it.

Q Something about the same that was told to the preceding witness?

A Just about the same.

Q Did Mr. Glenn ever make any threats in regard to the life of Mr. Applewhite?

A Not in my presence.

Q Have you heard of such threats being made?

A No I can't say about that; I would not swear positively that I do.

A It was known in the neighborhood here that there was not the best of feeling existed between them, wasn't it?

A I believe it was something of that kind.

BY MR. MAGUFFIN. Q. I would ask what relation the Applewhites and the Glenns were, if any?

A The Applewhites and the Glenns---John Glenn---Oliver was John Glenn's niece---nephew. Mrs. Applewhite and the Glenn boys were brothers and sister. Yes, sir, and grandma Glenn is the mother.





BY THE CORONER. Q. Your residence, sir, is where?

A In Lytle Creek, half a mile south of the Wilson ranch, Lytle Creek canon.

Q Do you recognize any of these weapons here?

A No, sir.

Q Never seen any of them before?

A I think not.

Q Do you know Mr. John Glenn?

A Yes.

Q How long have you known him.

A Slightly acquainted with him about five years.

Q Did you know Silas Glenn?

A I have met him several times.

Q More acquainted with John Glenn than with Silas?

A Yes, sir, I used to take a drink with him occasionally in town.

Q Is he a man of pretty good habits---something like yourself?

A Yes, sir, something like myself; once in a while he got a little too many drinks, but lately I have not seen him, since his wife left, under the influence of liquor at all.

Q When did Mrs. Glenn and her husband separate?

A Sometime last fall; I don't know just how long.

Q Where were you at that time?

A I was in town in San Bernardino when I heard of it, and John Glenn was down here.

Q Did you have a place with John in San Bernardino?

A No, sir; when I saw him he was pretty full, and Mr. Burke wanted me to bring him here.

Q Did you bring him here?

A No, sir.

Q You left him in San Bernardino, did you?

A He was there.

Q You came back to your place?

A Yes, sir.

Q You think that was along in November?

A Well, I don't know whether it was November or later.

Q Were you acquainted with Mrs. Glenn?

A Never saw her.

Q You heard about their separation in November?

A Somewhere along there.

Q Did you hear what the cause was?

A Well, I heard people talk about it that was acquainted with them.

Q What was it attributed to?

A Well, that Ollie Applewhite and her was a little too intimate.

Q It was the talk of the neighborhood that there was an intimacy existing between them?

A I heard about it in the [Lytle Creek] canon at that time.

Q Did you know as a matter of fact?

A No sir, I never was inside their houses.

Q Did you ever have any conversation with John in regard to the matter?

A No, sir.

Q Was he a man of a suspicious nature or jealous disposition?

A Well, he was an even tempered man apparently, and went around attending to his own business generally. Didn't talk much to anybody; would speak about the time of the day or about ranches or something of that kind.

Q Was this recognized as his ranch here?

A Well, I understood that he had one part a place of his own, and that this belonged to grandma Glenn.

Q You don't know anything in regard to the matter?

A No, sir.

Q When did you first hear of this shooting affray?

A Well, I got to know from Bryne. It was about one o'clock; I went up to his place.

Q Did you come up here at that time?

A No, sir, I just went up to the Wilson ranch, and he had been up here, and told me what he had seen and heard.

Q You know of no definite cause leading up to the shooting?

A Nothing, only just the talk in the neighborhood.




DR. W. G. DANIEL. (Sworn.)

BY THE CORONER. Q Where is your residence Dr.

A In Colton.

Q You may state to the jury when and how you were summoned here and what your observations were in regard to this matter since you came?

A I got a telegram from Mr. Ollie Applewhite in Cajon Pass saying that John Glenn was Killed, Si. wounded, to come and bring an officer, come immediately and bring an officer.

Q State the time you got here and what observations you made?

A I left there about two o'clock and got here about six. I guess we came pretty rapid. I got here and found Si. Glenn in his room on the cot, and saw something lying in the yard with a cover over it, and after I looked at Si. I was preparing water, and went out and took the cover off and saw the body of John Glenn lying there dead.

Q Did you observe his wounds at that time?

A Yes, sir, I looked at the wound in his head.

Q Describe the wound, please?

A It was a gun-shot wound, looked like a tolerably large ball, pistol or revolver ball it looked like; struck him on the temple just above the ear and went almost straight through his head through the brain, lodged on the opposite side of the brain in the plate of the skull. From the best I could find out with the probe, I think I could feel the bullet with the probe.

Q That wound was of a sufficient nature, in your opinion, to cause his death?

A Yes, sir.

Q And did cause his death?

A Yes, sir, I think so.

Q You may state what you know in regard to the injuries of the other man.?

A Well, the other man has a gun-shot wound on the top of the head about an inch across; there is two wounds in the top of the head; it seems that the bullet went in and came out that was--

A Scalp wound, are they not?

A Yes, sir. I think the same bullet went in and came out. I do not think it injured the skull, that is---broke the skull. I do not know what injury it is going to be to the brain; it may produce concussion, and may not. And then he has another wound in the neck, and the bullet seemed to go straight in and downwards, although I can probe up some; I probed in I suppose about two inches; and there is another bullet running right in front of the trache here, and that went down and behind the clavicle or collar bone. I think that struck the collar bone and shoulder a little and ranged down to his right shoulder. These are the only three bullet wounds I see on him. He has two bruises on his back.

Q What were they probably cases by?

A They may have been caused by a fall, but it didn't seem to me--

Q You regard these wounds of a serious nature?

A Well, I do not know; if blood poison sets in they would be.

Q Do you know of any circumstance leading up to this killing of John Glenn?

A Well, I know some things about; I seen John Glenn twice lately; I used to come up here a good deal; I lived up here in the family and because I was their family physician, and not only their family physician, but I was up here a good deal; it was a sort of a summer resort and I was up here a good deal.

Q You may state to the jury what you know in regard to this matter?

A Well, I have seen John Glenn twice lately, and I have heard some time ago that they were separating, but I never had any conversation with John about it until here lately. I saw John Glenn a month or six weeks ago, I suppose, and he came and sat down by me and said I want to ask you a confidential question. I thought it was about a trade; and this is just what he said to me, and he said do you think my getting drunk had anything to do with my wife quitting me. I told him I didn't know, that I supposed it had something to do with it. I didn't want to give any opinion about it. I knew John pretty well, and he remarked---I told him I thought it might have something. I said yes, I think, John, it may have had something; and he said "I will be God damned if I believe it did;" he says "I believe it was all on account of that God damned boy Ollie Applewhite;" that's what he said; and he asked me wasn't I---he knew I was at Mr. Hazard's when they were all sick; and he asked me if I saw Ollie Applewhite at Mr. Hazard's when he was sick, and I told him about it, and he asked me if I saw anything wrong, and I told him that I never saw a thing, that Ollie conducted himself nicely in the family when the family was sick, and his wife had been sitting up of nights and was worn out, and that he came there the second night and sat up with the family, and that I didn't see anything wrong, and I never heard her speak a disrespectful word of him or any of the family, whenever they spoke of him they spoke of him, spoke of John just the same as when she used to live with him, and none of the family said a word against him. You could not have told they were separated. Once before I was down there when the family was very sick, and he came down for me to see Mrs. Hazard, and I came down and stayed there with him and his wife; that was the spring before this; I was at Mr. Hazard's every day and Ollie was there two days the time I was there, and I left him there.

Q Those parties then have been under your observation considerably, Doctor?

A That is the only time.

Q You may state if you have ever seen anything Mr. Ollie Applewhite and Mrs. Glenn of a suspicious nature?

A No, sir, I never did see anything of which anyone could form any suspicion of them. I have seen them washing together and other parties passing around at the same time, and I saw them go the the post office, and John and her was living together at the time, and seemed to be living amicably.

Q Was John of somewhat a suspicious nature; would you consider him of a jealous and suspicious nature?

A I do not think John Glenn was of a suspicious nature much; he is one of those kind of men that he could be influenced.

Q Did you have any conservation with him?

A Never, only those two times that I spoke of.

Q Did he make any threats as to Ollie Applewhite?

A Well, at the time that he said "that God damned Ollie Applewhite was the cause of it" he said somebody would get hurt about it.

Q Do you know of any relationship existing between Ollie and John's wife?

A Never saw anything wrong between them.

Q. They were no kin at all, were they?

A No, they were no kin that I know of. John Glenn and Ollie were, but not Mrs. Glenn and Ollie. Only by marriage, not by affinity.

BY MR. MAGOFFIN. Q Did you ever hear such or anything about John Glenn?

A No, I never did.

Q Was Mr. Glenn of a peaceable disposition, as a general thing, Mr. John Glenn?

A As far as I know personally I never knew him to be in a full.

Q. Did you hear he had been?

A Yes.

Q Had there been any trouble existing between Applewhites and the Glenns here?

A Yes, some trouble in this way, about this place, about this ranch here; the old lady talked a great deal, and I heard Si. say something about it and John too.

Q What were the Applewhites doing here? had they a lease of the ranch?

A No, I don't think they have a lease; I think that Applewhite came here; I think old lady Glenn got Mr. Applewhite to take charge of the ranch several years ago, and he has been here three or four years; he came here with their knowledge and consent; so they both told me.

Q What do you consider this shooting affair growing out of?

A Well, I think it grew out of the parting of the wife and John Glenn, and also about Mrs. Glenn consigning her half interest of this ranch over to Applewhite.

Q Created an envious feeling in the place?

A Yes, sir. Old land Glenn always said she intended to give this ranch to John and Ellen, that is Mrs. Applewhite; she told me that a number of times, and she got into some sort of trouble financially, you know, and she had been down to town with Mr. Applewhite (I don't know only from hearsay) and she said they were going down to town and she was going to make over the other half interest to Mr. Applewhite, and I don't think the boys liked it.

Q How long was that ago, do you know?

A It is three or four months ago; it has been several months ago; I think before Christmas.

Q Have you ever heard the boys threaten the Applewhites in any manner, either of them?

A Well, I never heard them threaten Mr. Applewhite; I have heard John threaten Ollie.

Q That is all you know pertaining to the matter?

A Yes, sir.

BY MR. MAGOFFIN. Q Have you heard John threaten Ollie right lately?

A Well, yes, all he said was that he was going to do him up; that boy had caused him all the trouble and he was going to do him up, referring to Ollie Applewhite; he said that soon after what I said above there about Ollie Applewhite.


Mr. John C. King (duly sworn) identified one of the pistols as belonging to Silas Glenn.





BY THE CORONER. Q Where do you reside Mrs. Miller?

A In Los Angeles.

Q Do you know the deceased Mr. John Glenn?

A Yes, sir, I have known him for over six years.

Q Where did you know him?

A I first met him here.

Q How long ago is that?

A Six years ago.

Q When did you last see Mr. Glenn alive?

A Yesterday morning.

Q What time?

A I think it was about six o'clock; we were at breakfast.

Q What was his mood or disposition at that time?

A He was as usual.

Q Talkative was he?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did he seem to have anything on his mind?

A Yes, sir, I thought he did.

Q Were you present at the time of the shooting?

A I was in the dining room at the time.

Q What time did it occur?

A I think between half past nine and ten.

Q Was there a quarrel going on between the parties?

A Not that I know on.

Q Did you hear any abusive language being used by any of the parties?

A I didn't.

Q Did you hear the shooting, the report of the guns?

A Yes, sir

Q How were those reports?

A I came to the door and saw Mr. Applewhite with his gun on the steps.

Q On the steps of this house here? (Applewhite's)

A Yes, sir.

Q Well, did you see him shoot?

A I didn't.

Q What kind of a gun did he have?

A That I couldn't say.

Q You don't know whether it was a shot gun or a revolver?

A I could not say.

Q You saw him bring his gun to the shoulder?

A I don't know. I saw him bring one from the house.

Q Which house?

A That other house down below.

Q And he brought it here?

A Yes.

Q You think that was the same gun that he shot?

A No, sir, I think he got another.

Q Would you know the gun he brought from the house there if you saw it?

A I think I should.

Q Did you know which step Mr. Applewhite was standing on?

A The lower step.

Q And on which side of the steps?

A The right of them.

Q On the right side of the lower step?

A Yes, sir.

Q Towards whom did he aim his gun, do you know?

A At Si.

Q At Silas?

A Yes, sir.

Q And he delivered the shot at him?

A He did.

Q Did he fire more than one shot?

A I think not.

Q Did the shot take effect on Si.?

A It did.

Q What did he do? fall down?

A Fall down.

Q Did he make any exclamation or say anything?

A No, sir.

Q How long did he lay there?

A Only a short time.

Q He was then taken into the house, was he?

A Yes, sir, into the porch.

Q Was that the first short fired?

A Yes, sir.

Q Where was Mr. Silas Glenn at the time he received that shot?

A It was not far from where John lay.

Q Did he have a weapon in his hand?

A Not that I know of.

Q Nor on his person?

A No, sir.

Q You didn't see any weapon in the hand or on the person of Silas Glenn?

A No, sir, I didn't.

Q Who was in the affray there on the lawn besides Mr. Silas Glenn at the time of the shooting?

A Mrs. Applewhite, Oliver and John.

Q Besides Silas?

A And Silas.

Q Where were they all situated? just about in the same immediate vicinity there, all near together, were they?

A Yes, sir.

Q I believe you stated you thought this was the first shot fired by Mr. Applewhite?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did you observe the second shot?

A I didn't; I saw John fall.

Q You saw John fall?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did you hear the shot fired that you supposed killed him?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did you see the weapon, the gun from which the shot came?

A I didn't.

Q Did you see a weapon in the hands of Oliver Applewhite?

A No, sir.

Q It was presumed that he was shot by Oliver Applewhite?

A It was.

Q You didn't see or know of your own knowledge that the shot that killed Mr. John Glenn was from the hand or weapon of Mr. Oliver Applewhite?

A I couldn't say.

Q Where was Mrs. Applewhite---I will first ask you what John Glenn was doing at the time, just previous to the time he received this shot?

A Well, after breakfast they went to the back-yard. I heard the talking but I heard none of the conversation.

Q How long did they stay there in the rear of your house in the conversation?

A They might have been about fifteen or twenty minutes.

Q What did they do then?

A All passed through the dining room.

Q Coming out this way?

A Yes, sir.

Q Was this immediately before the shooting?

A Yes, sir.

Q Mr. Applewhite came first?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did he at that time bring the gun from the other house over here?

A He did

Q Who was the next following Mr. Applewhite?

A Silas.

Q And they all came from the house one after the other just immediately previous to the shooting?

A Yes, sir

Q Was Mr. Oliver Applewhite with the others?

A I didn't notice him at all; didn't see him at all.

Q He wasn't back there then in that conversation, was he?

A No, sir.

Q Well, who came through that dining room there?

A Mr. and Mrs. Applewhite and the two Glenn boys, John/and Silas Glenn and Mrs. Applewhite.

Q Did you hear any conversation that occurred in front of the house here.

A I didn't.

Q Did Mr. John Glenn say anything that you heard immediately, personally, before he was shot?

A No, sir.

Q Didn't hear him say anything?

A No, sir.

Q You saw him, I believe, at the time he was shot?

A Yes, sir.

Q Could you not tell as a fact who delivered the shots that killed him?

A I could not.

Q What part did Mrs. Applewhite have in the matter that you know?

A Nothing at all.

Q You saw her in the arena there where the conflict was going on?

A No, sir, I didn't.

Q What relationship or kin was Mrs. John Glenn and Mr. Oliver Applewhite, do you know?

A I think she was an aunt of him.

Q They were on friendly terms, were they not, Mrs. Glenn and Oliver?

A Yes, sir.

Q Always had been with her?

A As far as I knew.

Q Do you know of anything, any acts between them that was other than that of a pleasant nature, and anything more than would be between relations of that character?

A No, sir.

Q They were not usually intimate at all were they?

A No, sir.

Q Was John somewhat jealous of Mr. Applewhite, Oliver?

A I think he was.

Q Did you ever hear him make any threats in regard to life or person of Mr. Oliver Applewhite or any of the Applewhite family?

A No, sir, I never heard anything of the kind.

Q Never heard him say that he intended to do them up or anything of that kind?

A I didn't.

Q What, in your opinion, has this difficulty grown out of, this shooting affair?

A Well, I don't know.

Q Didn't you form an opinion in the matter?

A No, sir, I couldn't.

Q A kind of a family feud and quarrel existed between them?

A No, sir, I don't know.

Q Do you know of any ground for jealous existing on the part of Mr. John Glenn towards Mr. Oliver Applewhite?

A I don't.

Q You have not seen anything that would arouse your suspicions or that you would consider of a nature that would arouse anyone else's suspicions as to their intimacy?

A No, sir.

BY MR. MACOFFIN. Q How much time was there between the two shots?

A Only a few moments.

Q And you saw no weapon that either of the Glenns had, either one of them?

A No, sir, I didn't, but when John was shot I was called to look at him and saw a revolver by his side.

Q Could you identify any of the weapons?

A No, sir, I don't think I could.

BY MR. EDWARDS. Q Did Mr. Edwards take the gun from the lower house and bring it up here?

A Yes, sir.

MR. MILLER. Q Where was Mrs. Glenn during this time?

A She was sitting in bed.

MR. MACOFFIN. Q Would you know the gun that he brought over from the other house?

A I think I would.

Q You didn't see Ollie out there at all?

A I didn't.

(Two guns exhibited.)

BY THE CORONER. Q Can you designate which one?

A I think this is the one.

Q You might state what you identify the gun by?

A It has stood behind the door in the dining room ever since I have been here, but I think this is the gun that he brought from over there. (gun with nick on under side of stock.)

Q Is that the gun that he did the shooting with?

A I don't think that he did the shooting with the one brought over.





BY THE CORONER. Q You may make such statements in this matter as you choose. You can just make statements---

A Of course I have seen for several days that this thing was brewing between Oliver and John Glenn and was agitated by his mother and Silas talking so much of him, and the other day Silas Glenn came up from his camp by Mr. Hazard's. I asked him if he had seen anything of Oliver. He said he did. I said where is he. He said he is laying around Mr. Hazard's. Well, I came on down and I saw John Glenn's horse staked on the side of the road and the saddle lying by the bush. I spoke to my wife and she ups and tells me about John's gun and the way he looked; that he and Glenn had a long talk that evening. So, I watched him pretty close, and he had been in the habit of going around there when he came here in his shirt sleeves, and that evening he changed his clothes and put his pistol in his pocket, or I saw it in there, it was there, not being in the habit of carrying it around before that, and put on his coat. Coming/up the trail from the blacksmith's shop he was standing under these fig trees with his back to me, and I came up and got right behind him, but I saw before I got up he had something in his hand, and I could see him arm motion, but I could not see what he had, and as I got up close I saw it was his pistol, and he jerked around and put it in his pocket.

My wife and I we talked the matter over and we came to the conclusion from the threats that had been made, and as we heard of, that there was, must be a plot laid to kill Oliver that night, as Si. Glenn had stated he was going up that night. Oliver was coming up here that night. So we both sat up very late watching, and we watched John very close, and at supper my wife asked him if there was anything the matter with him. Great drops of sweat run off his forehead, and he said not. She said you look tired and wore out, or something like that, and he didn't eat much supper to, get up and appeared to be rather restless and would go out and walk around, look around; so we---told my wife that I would keep a lookout for Oliver until it was late enough when I would be convinced he was not coming, and try to get to him in time, if there was anything of the kind up, to give him warning.

All this had such a look on the thing that I got my horse before breakfast and had him ready to start down so as to hunt Oliver and have him come here and advise him of what was going on. I fed my horse and was coming to the house and I saw Oliver right up down at the corral. I went down to where he was. I told him what was going on and what I believed, and for him to keep a lookout and not give John any advantage of him whatever/ to watch him close. We sat down to breakfast then. I do not think John knew that Oliver was there until he came in to the table and sat down to breakfast. He stayed here on account of his mother being sick and he came in to breakfast and he just spoke to Oliver, just good morning. He sat down and had a very light breakfast, had nothing to say to anybody; looked like a kind of a death look on his face; he gets up from the breakfast table and left, went/off; I didn't notice which way he went.

Pretty soon him and Si. Glenn came back together. I was in the room where Mrs. Glenn is sick, sitting in there. They came in and sat down, sat there a few minutes; Si. Glenn he got up and went out, and of course I was interested in looking out watching movements. He walked off round the west end of the house, and next I heard of him he stepped on the east end of the porch in front of the house down there. (Glenn's) He walked on the porch until he came right in front of the door where John was sitting on the lounge. He got right in front of the door and stood there. I should think about half a minute. I could not see him, only part of his body. The space between the door and the window hid most of him from me while he stood there. He walked off then and stepped out on the west end of the porch.

John Glenn got up from where he was sitting. I think it might have been a minute after Si. walked off. They went out together on one of those hammocks that is made of the staves of a barrel and sat there it must have been 10 or 15 minutes; then they walked down towards the shop and came back, and Oliver he wanted to ask Glenn why he was trying to make out it appear he was laying around Mr. Hazard's. He told me that and I went after Oliver about it, and he denied it of course, and he went after Glenn.

And Glenn he said that he didn't say he was laying around there, but he said he was there. I said Si. Glenn you know you said he was laying around there. He said it was a damned lie, and he was not going to take my abuse any longer. Says I, I have never abused you Glenn; I have been a brother to you and the whole outfit. He said you are a liar; you said that you would not believe me on oath. Says I, I don't remember saying it, but if I did I wont take it back, and I think I said I wouldn't believe you on oath. And then he was whittling with a pocket knife and he started to walk up close to me. I says, you keep away from me Glenn, I am not here for a fuss and I don't want anything to do with you; I have treated the whole family well and have been a brother to the outfit, and have always treated them well. He says you are a damned liar and you have always abused me and I ain't going to take it any more. He says if you want anything out of me now you can get it. Say I, you boys have come up here for a fuss and I know it; and I says I don't want any row, but if it is to be I can't help it; of course, if I have to get into it I have got to get into it; and John Glenn says, by God, it has to come off; and Si. Glenn says, yes, by God, it has to be settled now. Well, says I, I don't want any row, but if I have got to have it, all right; and I turned and walked off.

In the meantime John Glenn had his hand on his pistol all the time, and Si. put up his pocket knife, and I could not see whether he had hold of his pistol or not, but he had his hand back under his coat. Then was when I turned and walked off and said I don't want any row, boys, but If I have to have it, all right. I left them.

This all occurred at the far corner of that house, next to where there's a tree. I walked up on the other side of the house to the kitchen door, opened the door and came in, and there was a shot gun that always set there, either behind one door or the other. I expected every minute after I started from them to get shot in the back, and I said I will take that shot gun and if they do attack me I can defend myself, and if they don't I will take it to the house and keep them from using it. After I left the dining room door I run then to the house here and went into my room and set down that shot gun and picked up one I had in there.

I walked back to this front door and set the shot gun right on the right-hand side of the door, and I walked out then just a step away from the door onto the porch. I saw the two Glenn boys and Ma and Oliver all coming up this way. She was first running from one of the Glenn boys to the other begging them to stop and not come up there, and John had his pistol, so that I could see his pistol, or part of it, from the time he left the dining room all the way up. I think they were about half way from the dining room, somewhere just this side of where the peach tree stands.

I saw them keep coming; Glenn was pulling off his coat, and I ran round and got the shot gun. When Glenn throwed the coat down I could not tell whether he had the pistol in his hands when he thro/wed the coat down, or whether he grabbed it after he throwed the coat down, and I was either on the second or third step of them lower steps there. Glenn had his pistol; it was not pointed directly, but in that kind of position. Of course I could not tell on what kind of a level or whether towards me, but in plain sight; he had it in his hand, and I heard John say "turn her loose, by God;" or something that way, and at that time Oliver shot; or I say Oliver shot; I suppose he did, there was nobody else to do it; and I shot Glenn.

Well, of course, that is all I can state about it. We tried to take care of him after it happened. I just went back to put the gun in the house there; I only shot the one shot. I helped to take care of him the best we could. He said he was sorry he done it; it had learned him/a lesson. That was Si. Glenn. My wife asked him what made him do it. He said John had got him into it.

BY THE CORONER. Q Why did the Glenn boys have any particular spite against your son Oliver?

A Well, grew out of, I think, a report that they started here between John Glenn's wife and Oliver; I think that was the first start of it; but John Glen acknowledged to me that he didn't hold anything against Oliver about it. What he blamed his wife for was that she didn't come right out and tell him she was going, and not go off to town with her mother. He came home one evening and asked me---That has nothing to do with this shooting affair; of course if you want it---

Q You don't think this shooting affair grew out of that?

A Well, I think that was the main cause of it, by being agitated between Si. Glenn and his mother. They was the ones that keep the thing up.

Q His mother entertained the belief they were on too intimate terms?

A Well, she is supposed to; I don't believe she honestly thinks it.

Q Is she in her right mind, in your opinion? I mean the old lady, Mrs. Glenn?

A Well, I hate to say she was, on oath.

Q You think she has agitated this difficulty considerably?

A Yes, sir; I know it; I have talked to her at least half a dozen times about it, asking her to let it drop, and others used to go to her about it.

Q Is there any real foundation about the talk?

A No, sir.

Q What is the relationship existing between yourself and Mrs. Glenn, John's wife; that is, the kinship?

A Well, aunt and nephew, I suppose, you would call it, by marriage. John is own uncle, of course, and that would make Mrs. Glenn his aunt.

Q They indulged in no intimacy that would be improper for those of that relationship?

A No, sir, none whatever. John Glenn certainly could not think so with his talk to people, and said if she would reconcile herself to live with him---and got people to talk to her for him.

Q Where is Mrs. John Glenn now?

A I could not say whether she is at her mother's at Grapelands or not; she has been stopping there ever since the death of her father, but I had heard that she was in Los Angeles; and Mr. King told me her mother is at his house yet.

Q You think this shooting affair has grown out of imaginary--

A Yes, sir, I do. If you allow me to say so: by unprincipled people. John and Oliver have been camped out together since the 14th of February herding cattle, sleeping in the same bed and eating together. There was two months that there was no one near them at all, and the balance of the time they lived with a family named and they always got along in the best in the world until John here talking with his mother.

BY MR. MAGOFFIN. Q So far as you know, were all the parties sober?

A Yes, sir, so far as I know there was not a drop of whisky in the outfit. Glenn begged for something after he was shot, and they had a bottle of whisky in the house and they give it to him.

Q He hadn't been drinking until after he was shot?

A I don't think there was any whisky whatever. I think they made up their mind to kill Oliver Applewhite. They knew, of course, they had me to kill in doing it.

Q Had you any trouble over this land here?

A Not a word; John Glenn and I were the best of friends. Mrs. Glenn yesterday morning told Mrs. Miller and John Glenn and I could get along always together, except Si., and that was about a dog that he thinks more of than his wife, if he had one.





BY THE CORONER. Q You may make a statement in this case, as you saw it?

A We knew there was trouble and I was uneasy and anxious, and I heard talking in the back yard and went out. I heard my husband say, I do not want any/trouble, and then they swore at him, and he went away, and they followed him through the dining room, and I ran after them and I got my brother John by the arm and told him not to come up here, and asked him to keep Silas away, and he turned around and remarked to me that it would hell when it started, and at that he drew his revolver, and my son was behind me or near me begging him to stop and to stop his brother, and he drew his revolver and whirled and he says, you take that, damn you; and I thought that he would have shot my son, and at the same time I was trying to watch the other brother who was advancing towards Mr. Applewhite, and he cursed him and called him a coward and said he was going to shoot him. He threw off his coat and drew his revolver. That is what I saw. John said it would be hell when it started, and I said, John, don't let it start. Let her go, he said, and, damn you, you take that; and Oliver jumped very quickly and went out of my sight and back to my brother, and I thought he was shot.

Q Was there a discharge of that weapon at that time?

A Yes, sir, the discharge of the two weapons seemed about the same time.

Q Which would you consider the first discharge?

A I could not tell.

Q But you rather noticed one immediately by you?

A Because I thought my son was killed, and turned towards his father expecting to see him fall every minute.

Q What was their particular object in coming this way, leaving the other house?

A Following my husband to kill him certainly, when they were threatening to with revolvers in their hands.

Q And the intent was apparent?

A I did all I could to keep them back, and my son assisted me.

Q Now, it was John Glenn who said to your son, take that, damn you, or something of that kind?

A Yes, sir.

Q Did he make a pass as though to strike him?

A He whirled with the revolver as he said that, and Oliver sprang back and I heard a report of a pistol, and I thought that he shot Ollie.

Q Your son then, in all probability, dodged his blow?

A His being so quick is what save his life.

Q Has there been any real undue intimacy existing between your son Oliver and Mrs. Glenn, Mrs. John Glenn?

A No, sir, never; Mrs. John Glenn is a perfect lady.

Q And related to your son?

A Certainly.

Q And there intimacy has been nothing more than might be reasonably expected to exist between such relations?

A His father and I always told him to be very kind to Maud; she was such a good girl.

BY MR. MACOFFIN. Q What you represented was all said after you left the other house?

A That is all I remember; of course it is hard to remember every little thing under such trying circumstances.

BY THE CORONER. Q Has either of the Glenn boys on any previous occasion threatened the life of either your husband or your son that you know of?

A I have heard so. I have heard that there has been many threats made.

Q And you think this circumstance yesterday was the culmination of those threats?

A I do.

Q All the circumstances connected with the case of your knowledge indicate that it was because of the threats?

A John told me once that he forbade Oliver's coming back to the canon, but he was under the influence of liquor.

Q Is you opinion that the life of your husband and son were in imminent peril at the time this shooting occurred?

A Certainly, most assuredly they was. They did what they did in self-defense.





BY THE CORONER. Q You may state your name in full?

A James Oliver Applewhite.

Q You may make a statement in regard to this matter, not going back to any more remote period than possible.

A Yesterday when I came, yesterday morning, my father told me that he thought that my life was in danger here from what he had observed, and that I had better look out; so finally he told me some more things that Si. Glenn had stated about me which was false, and I asked about that that after they came down, and when they came I asked him in regard to it, and he first said that I said so and so, and I told him he was mistaken, and then said that he didn't say it, that my father had misinformed me, and my father said no, that is what you told me, and he said, well, by God, I understood that you said you would not believe me on oath anyway, and my father said I do not remember saying that, but if I said it I don't go back on it. So Glenn said, I have taken your God damned insults as long as I am going to, and my father said I have never insulted you, I have always been a brother to you, treated you well, and so Glenn said, you are a God damned liar; my father said he didn't wish any trouble if he could avoid it.

John Glenn stepped from the house; he was standing on the side of the house, and stepped into the yard, and put his hand back this way/into his coat, and said, by God this has got to come off, and Si. said, yes, and right here too we'll settle it. Father turned and walked away from them and walked from that house down there and came on up here to this house. They followed him right up. Si. Glenn walked through the house, John Glenn walked around the house, came between the house and the water ditch. Si. Glenn pushed the door back, and I suppose looked for the shot gun, as he looked behind the door, and it was not there; then he went to the other door; he came on into the yard then, and John Glenn came to the corner of the house at the same time; I came right out after Si. Glenn, and my mother ran and got John Glenn and says, for God's sake don't go up there; don't let/there be any trouble.

Si. Glenn had his coat over his shoulder, on his shoulder; didn't have it on; he throwed it off on to the ground, and spoke to my father and said, you are a God damned old cowardly son of a bitch and I'll shoot hell out of you. Just before that John Glenn says to my mother, it will be hell when it starts, and just after Si. Glenn spoke as he did about shooting, John Glenn says, let her go, and said something that I didn't understand, and then he says, God damn you, and whirled, and just as he whirled he jerked his pistol; I saw the pistol. When he said it would be hell when it started, I put my hand back this way, kinder under my coat, and there was just the barrel of the pistol in my pocket, the most of it was out, and when he said God damn you, I grabbed my pistol, and as I saw the flash of his pistol, I jerked my pistol and fired. I jumped back of him to jump out of the way, for I expected him to shoot, and at the same time I fired, why, I heard the report of the other gun and thought it was Si. Glenn that had fired in place of my father. That is all that I can say under the circumstances.

Q Did John have his weapon cocked when he drew it on you?

A I could not swear as to that.

Q Did you know the character of a gun he had, whether it was a self-cocker or not?

A I don't; I saw the pistol lying by his side, and I know it was a pistol he never had before; the last pistol I knew him to have was a 38 Smith & Wesson, nickel plated barrel.

Q You tried to prevail on them not to go to the house?

A Yes, sir, I did.

Q What was their purpose in coming to the house here?

A I think it was to kill either myself or my father.

Q Did they say they would kill your father or yourself?

A Si. Glenn threatened to shoot my father and John Glenn has threatened my life at different times.

Q You thought they really intended to inflict bodily injury upon yourself?

A Yes, sir, I did.

Q All the indications, from the display of weapons and threats, words and actions were all with that intent, were they?

they apparently?

A Yes, sir.

Q Intent on your life?

A Yes, sir.

Q And did you consider yourself in bodily peril when the shooting occurred?

A I did, sir. I expected to be killed when I walked out into the yard.

Q Were you nervous?

A I cannot say that I was; no.

Q You are not afraid?

A No, I don't think that I am

BY MR. BRADSHAW. Q Did John Glenn ever threaten you to your face?

A No, he never got right out and told me; he insinuated a good many times that he had reference to me, but he never told me that he would kill me.

Q You have been camping together, you two?

A Not all of the time, most of the time we have been round at Etiwanda, the family stopping there.

Q Did he drop immediately you shot?

A Yes, sir.

BY THE CORONER: Q How near were you to him when you fired?

A I don't know; I should judge I was about seven or eight feet off; I could not say positive how close.

BY MR. BRADSHAW. Q You didn't see your father shoot them?

A No, I didn't; I heard the report, and saw the flash of Si.'s gun, and just the second after I heard the report of the gun, and thought it was him that had fired.





BY THE CORONER. Q What is your name in full, Mrs. Glenn?

A Moran Glenn.

Q You reside here, do you?

A Yes, sir, this is my home.

Q. You may state to the jury what you know in regard to this matter, leading up to the killing of your son John?

A This was got up by getting his wife to ride with young Applewhite to parties backwards and forwards, over near the other station, till they got so intimate that he caught the two right there in the night in the dark, right under that fig tree.

Q What were they doing?

A He didn't know, it was so dark; he could not see them, but he heard them talking and recognized her voice, and Applewhite said, I will stay with you. And he said, mother, I felt as if I would faint, and he to go into the kitchen to set down till he could control himself, and then the next morning I heard they had a few words, and the day before yesterday I heard he was coming up, and they had been together friendly all the while; and I said, John, you and Mr. Applewhite has always got along, and he says yes. I says you and Oliver has had no trouble; he says, no, only on the morning after we had a few words, and I will never name it to him; any that woman that will do as she has done was not worth talking about, and I will have no trouble about her.

Q How frequent were their visits over there that you know of?

A They made three trips to parties, dances and what they call the club; they made three trips.

Q. Did they go in company with anyone else?

A Just themselves; and one evening that she was fixing to go, he says, now Maud, how long are you going to stay? Stay till the dance breaks up, she says you go and leave me and I will go and leave you; and she ran off after young Applewhite. I see his feelings was hurt them.

Q You know there is kin relationship existing between young Applewhite and your son's wife?

A One evening I saw her go from the hall through that door and he went on the outside of the door, and they met inside in a dark room, and I heard them have a conversation, but what they talked of I don't know, but they was quite a spell in the dark room.

Q What time was that?

A It was just at supper time.

Q They were sitting there waiting for their supper?

A They were in the dark room.

Q They were waiting for their meal, were they not?

A I suppose so.

Q Did you ever see any unusual intimacy existing?

A Nothing more than this; he was sitting in the seat, and they were talking just like two couple sparking, and my poor boy had the rheumatism in his feet and was in trying to bring in corn and food. I through I would help him, as I knew he was sick, and I went down there and he was just unhitching his team, and I never told him a word about it, about what was going on; and when I came back to the house she seen I was noticing her, and says, Grandma, I thought that you would think that I was saying something against you the say I looked at you. I says, no mam, I ain't afraid of anyone talking about me, and then she came to another time and says I expect Mrs. Applewhite will talk about me and Oliver. Well, I says, Maud, it is no more than she has done, she talked about me to another woman she ran about with, another man's wife right here; and I told her she talked about me to that woman, Mr. Izensmith's wife in Colton.

Q You may relate what occurred yesterday morning?

A Well, Mr. Applewhite was in the room with me, and my two boys came down from the Wilson ranch, and they sat in the house a little while, and directly Silas went out and I heard him talking to Mr. Applewhite, and I heard Oliver's voice, but I didn't know what they were talking about, but I knew there was a settlement beginning between Silas and Mr. Jim Applewhite; and the next I seen was Mr. Applewhite going up there with the shot gun in his hand, and directly I seen my two sons and him at the time that Applewhite came out of the house with a shot gun, and then I heard the report of pistol and my son fell, and just at the time Mr. Applewhite shot the other boy. I saw them both fall.

Q Which way were your sons going?

A They were going that way, my two boys and Mr. Applewhite.

Q Had your sons pistols upon their persons?

A I guess so, because they were picked up.

Q You didn't see them in his hands?

A No, I didn't see them. If young Applewhite shot him he shot from behind his mother; Johnny could not have seen him because he was going that way.

Q Did you hear them use any abusive language towards Mr. Applewhite as they were going after him?

A No, sir; I heard him at the time speak, and I heard John speak, and I didn't understand what they said, but I thought from the way he spoke it was in a kind of a threat.

Q Do you think they were going over towards Mr. Applewhite's house to do him bodily harm?

A I don't think so. I heard Johnny say that morning, "Mr. Applewhite and I have never had a word in our life, and we can get along;" and I am sure they never did.

Q Do you think your son was jealous of young Mr. Oliver Applewhite?

A Well, he wouldn't object to her going with him for fear they would think he was jealous, and it would cause some hard feelings, and he told me that was the reason; that he didn't think a decent woman would go with him. She had promised him she would never go with him.

Q You never saw anything suspicious or any undue intimacy except on that one time?

A When they went in that dark room and when they was so busy, just like a young man sparking a young lady, I thought her countenance spoke volumes to me.

Q. What was the cause of your son's and her separation? or are they separated?

A Well, I cannot tell you; she got so that she paid no attention to her husband and tired too of home, and she left.

Q To San Bernardino?

A Yes, sir. And her mother came her and said if Johnny and Maud had been living together to themselves there would be none of this trouble. I love Maud. When John married her I think she had all the confidence in the world in John, and I think she became so infatuated with that boy that she cared nothing for John.

Q What was the cause of that infatuation; he was not so beautiful.

A Well, I don't know; but my grand-daughter remarked that Ollie Applewhite is so homely that I cannot understand it.

Q Then there must be some peculiar fascination?

A There must be, but I could not see it; anyway she was very indifferent to him.

Q Was the relationship existing between his wife and himself always pleasant?

A As far as I knew I never heard a short word between them. Johnny was very good to her; and I thought, until she got running with the other one, that they got along nicely.

BY MR. BRADSHAW. Q Was there any other cause for the trouble between Mr. Applewhite, Silas and John, anything else that they had trouble about besides that woman?

A I never heard of it.

Q Anything about the ranch or land?

A Nothing at all.

BY THE CORONER. Q Their understandings were mutual in regard to the land?

A Yes, sir. They had a guitar and a fiddle and they had fine music here, and even after she left I seed John call Oliver in and play the fiddle and the guitar, and they done it frequently. I said never make the case any worse, and he told me he wouldn't.

Q. You have stated all that you knew in regard to this matter?

A Yes, all that I know.

I hereby certify the foregoing to be a full, true and correct transcript of the shorthand notes taken by me of the evidence, testimony and preceedings taken and had before the Coroner on the inquest on the body of John Glenn, on Sunday, June 25th, 1893, at Glen Farm, Lytle Creek Canon, San Bernardino County, California.

P. J. McMahon

Shorthand Reporter