San Bernardino's Supply of Climate

San Bernardino High School on a Beautiful Residence Street
Climate is worth money. If good weather had no cash value property in California would sell for less than one-tenth of what it la bringing now. The San Bernardino Valley owns its fair slice of typical California climate. Blizzards, snow and ice are by no means unknown. In winter these Christmas gifts are in plain sight from the San Bernardino Valley, but several stories above the ground floor, on the crest of the range that shelters the valley. These Christmas gifts never flutter into the valley where the roses blossom at yuletide. The largest portion of the valley is absolutely free from destructive frosts, though in specially severe winters vegetation in exposed low places may be slightly nipped by the temperatures shortly before sunrise. Freezes like those that destroyed practically the entire orange industry in Florida are unknown.
Of course, three months in the summer the temperature is high. If it were not, the San Bernardino Valley would not and could not be the heart of the orange belt, but the high temperatures in the dry air do not sap the vitality and induce the lassitude followed by sunstroke. The lazy man has no excuse to quit work on account of the heat in the San Bernardino Valley, even if the thermometer reaches 100 degrees. People with an aversion to labor are therefore warned to keep away.
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