The City of San Bernardino has announced that Commerce Public Works Director Daniel Hernandez has joined San Bernardino as its new Public Works Director.
“Daniel Hernandez has a proven track record of both leading effective Public Works Departments and private sector experience getting things done efficiently and cost effectively,” said City Manager Robert Field. “This is another win for San Bernardino.”
Hernandez is an accomplished and seasoned leader with two decades of experience in the public sector, aerospace, and manufacturing industries. He has spent the past six years leading public works departments in Los Angeles County, first in Huntington Park for three years and most recently as Public Works Director in the City of Commerce. In both Commerce and Huntington Park, Hernandez modernized those departments, implementing productivity and performance measurement systems, cost controls, work order/process systems, and customer care and responsiveness programs.
In 2011, Hernandez was elected City Clerk in Montebello and served a four-year term.
The San Bernardino Public Works Director oversees the wide variety of operations and programs in the Public Works Department, including Capital Projects, Fleet, Environmental Compliance, Traffic Operations, and Maintenance and Operations. Public Works is also responsible for the maintenance of the city’s parks and community centers.
It's an honor and privilege to serve the City of San Bernardino,” said Hernandez. “I look forward to taking on challenges, embracing the opportunities, and leading the Public Works Department in achieving the City's goals.”
Hernandez’s starting date is May 16th.